For expert assistance, or help with pricing and quotes, call 480.966.6954 or 800.836.7374.
We accept cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Checks are to be 'preprinted' and require proper I.D. Returned checks are subject to a $35.00 handling fee. Open Accounts are welcomed. A signed and approved credit application is required. Regular activity is required to maintain an open account. Past due accounts will incur a finance charge and be changed to COD status. Any order projected to exceed $200.00 will require a non-refundable deposit equal to 50% of the total before any work commences. Completed orders may be picked up at Customer Service or shipped via FedEx or U.S. Mail. Arrangements are to be made prior to shipping regarding payment and shipping charges.
Tempe Camera was built, and has grown, upon a foundation of customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with the photo finishing you receive, we would appreciate the opportunity to correct your order (see Remakes). If you should decide to seek a refund, we will gladly issue it. Simply return the finished work, work envelopes and the receipt and we will refund your money in the same form in which the initial payment was made. Example: if you paid with a Visa card, we will credit that same Visa card.
'Service Time' is the amount of time normally needed to complete a job. This amount of time will vary somewhat for each service. If an order is submitted before noon that requires two business days to complete, it will be ready by noon on the second business day. If the order comes in after noon, it will be scheduled for completion by 4pm on the second business day. 'Next Day' orders are scheduled the same way.
Rush scheduling is available for any of our services. Arrangements must be made at the time of ordering. Rush charges will apply. If an order involves multiple sizes or services, please allow additional time for each size or service. Business days for production are Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Orders received after 4pm may not be placed in the
schedule until the next business day due to volume. Please consult Customer Service for exact completion date and time.
Film / Media Handling
Any film submitted for printing should be in protective sleeving. We can provide you complimentary sleeving if needed. 35mm negatives should be in strips of 4 frames or more. Single cut 35mm will be subject to an additional handling charge of $1.00 each. Uncut rolls should be cut into strips for easier handling. Use the frame number closest to the middle
of the frame. Include the 'a' designation when indicated. CDs and DVDs should be in protective packaging as well to avoid scratches.
Printing Standards
Any materials received by TCR which, in our professional opinion, will not render optimum results, will be printed on a 'print regardless' basis using 'printers best judgment'. This includes negatives or digital files which are improperly exposed; damaged due to poor storage or mishandling, or requests for procedures that deviate from standard lab practices. Printers best judgment' is based on printing for white whites and good skin tones. Remakes on such orders will not be free of charge.
Printing Services
Our standard approach is to offer corrected prints for best results (see Standard Digital Prints). However, more and more photographers and artists want to do their own file preparation to either produce a signature 'look' to their work or save some money on prints. If this is what you seek, we have an economical print service for you (see RTO prints). These are printed 'as-is' from your files without any additional color or density corrections. The file must be prepped properly to avoid further charges or delays in production. It is the photographer's responsibility to be sure the
image you see on your computer will match the output we provide. Any remakes are the customer's responsibility.
Color printing is quite variable. The look of a finished print will depend upon the exposure, density and color balance of the film or digital file as well as the preferences of the lab technician. When you order a print that requires specialized work, it is strongly recommended that you submit a guide print in order to be assured of receiving prints that meet your requirements. Remakes can usually be avoided by providing a guide print along with thorough, accurate instructions with the initial order. Guide prints can be used to indicate crop marks, color preference, and dodge/burn instructions.
On custom orders, we'll make a test print for your approval. You may also have a test strip printed which is just a section of a full size print. This is usually done to check for sharpness in a certain area. There are charges for the tests, but if you proceed with the order, the charge for the first test print is waived. If you decide not to go ahead with the order, the test prints will be billed. If a guide print is not provided, we will print the order using 'printer's best judgement' and remakes will not be free of charge.
When copying old B&W prints, it is impossible to match the color of the original, which has usually faded to some degree or gained 'warmth' from aging. But we can retain or add an 'antique tone' to simulate or retain the character of the original.
In the event that an order needs to be remade, the order(s) must be returned within 10 business days and must include ALL prints and work envelopes. Remakes will be handled on a priority basis and in most cases will be completed in less than 1 to 2 business days. Indicate clearly on the remake order what corrections are needed. If there has been a lab error, the order will be remade without question. However, it is the responsibility of the customer to submit the correct film, digital files and/or correct negative numbers or file names for printing. If we print an order in good faith according to instructions given by a customer and the order is found to be incorrect, the cost of the remakes will be the responsibility of the customer.
Copyrighted Material
We respect the rights of the copyright owner. A customer requesting reproduction of copyright work must provide a copyright release that will be held on file.
Pickup and Delivery Service
We can provide a Phoenix area pickup and delivery service subject to certain conditions and restrictions. Consult Customer Service for further information or to schedule a pickup or delivery.
Abandoned Orders
Tempe Camera will not be held responsible for orders left over 30 days from the date of completion. Orders unclaimed after 90 days will be subject to disposal.
Liability and Limitations
The submission of any film, slide, print, negative or digital media to this firm for processing, printing, or other handling, constitutes an AGREEMENT by you that any damages or loss by our company, subsidiary, or agents, even though due to negligence or other fault, will only entitle you to a replacement with a like amount of unexposed film and processing. Except for such replacement, the acceptance of film, print, slide, negative or digital media is without other warranty or liability, and recovery for any incidental or subsequent damage is excluded.