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Set-Up Fees For Copy Work
The set-up fee is a one time charge for each job. Multiple originals of approximately the same size may be shot for one set-up fee. After the set-up fee, different size originals can be shot with the "size change fee". "3D" refers to 3 dimensional items such as sculptures or jewelry. Service Time: 5 to 7 business days. 
Small - Prints up to 20" $30.00
Medium - Prints up to 30" $35.00
Large - Prints up to 40" $40.00
Extra Large - Prints over 40" $50.00
Size Change Fee $15.00
3D Set-Up Fee $75.00
3D Size Change Fee $25.00
Digital Copy
Shot with a medium format digital camera. File size varies depending on exact size and proportion of original but are usually around 250mb.
16 Pass (200+mb file) $30.00
Digital Film Output
35mm film output directly from digital files. Price is per original and includes the cost of all test exposures and film processing. Quantity price applies to total additional quantity. Basic prep charge, $2.50 per file for sizing, adding canvas, rotation and conversion to TIFF format. Any other changes required will incur additional fees. This charge will be waived if files are received fully prepared. 12"x8" Landscape Mode, 200ppi (2400x1600 pixels) and converted to TIFF format. All graphics files should include imported graphics, images and fonts. Service Time: 3 to 5 business days. Includes time for film processing or slide mounting.
35mm Film Output - 1st $10.00
35mm Film Output - 2-10 $7.50 each
35mm Film Output - 11-up $4.50 each
Prices subject to change without notice. Please contact Customer Service for current quote 480-966-6954 x -5. Thank you. 04/2016